27 April 2009

Download Java Jeni 1 Jeni 2 Jeni 3

Java Education Network Indonesia is a genius or a program of education applied as a Java-based programming language that declared by the Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia as a series of programs from the National Education Network (JARDIKNAS).

Jeni is an integrated service for students in Indonesia, to learn, share and develop solutions based on JAVA. Jeni Jedi implement the project as the basis of the curriculum with the additional development of the various technology trends JAVA.Salah one of the goals of the center is the type of benefits (center of excellence) education and development of applied science, technology, at the national level and international-based commitment to moral and ethical and supported by the development of sustainable resources.

Logo is a type of bird gelatik (the java Finch), which is maskot official Java User Group (jug) in the world (http://thejavafinch.dev.java.net). Gelatik Bird is one of the birds that come from the island are happy to fly in groups and like hot weather. The characteristics of this is considered to be able to describe the spirit of the Java community groups who work to spread something without keberpihakan.

Please download tutorialnya jeni1, 2 and 3 in Here

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