29 April 2009

Download Driver Detective

Driver Detective will maintain your system updated and optimized with the latest drivers.

Finding the correct and current drivers to update your system the fastest and easiest way possible is now provided to you with Driver Detective. This new version of Driver Detective has been built from the ground up and is an industry first in providing manufacturer specific drivers for your computer.

For example, if you own a Dell computer Driver Detective will recommend drivers specifically for your Dell computer. The improved interface makes it simple to find which drivers are out of date on your system, and to download available updates for them.

The Driver Detective can identify devices that are without drivers and identify devices that are not plugged in (cameras, MP3 players). The program has new improved interface and it's self updating.

Here are some key features of "Driver Detective":

· New Database Design - Our newly redesigned database is the largest, most comprehensive database in the industry.

· New Improved Interface - The new interface was designed to be simple, smart and easy to use.

· Increased Customer Service - Contact Customer Support or Ask our staff a quick question easily from inside Driver Detective.

· Self Updating Software - Driver Detective now automatically keeps itself current with the latest version.

· Manufacturer Specific Drivers - If you own a Dell? computer Driver Detective will recommend drivers specifically for your Dell?.

· Industry Leading Scanning Technology - Most accurate and comprehensive Driver Scanning Engine (DSE) on the planet.

· Driver Backup Wizard - Never worry about losing your drivers again, Driver Detective has a built in wizard so you can copy your downloaded drivers to a CD, network drive or USB flash drive.


· 300MHz or higher processor

· 256 MB of RAM

· 22 MB of hard disk space

· Supported Browsers: Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher, FireFox 1.2 or higher, Opera 8 or higher

· NET Framework 2.0


· Driver download pleace clik here

27 April 2009

Download WebWasher Free

Filter your Web surfing with this simple to set freeware utility. Webwasher's basic interface is made up of basic checkboxes with a few option windows. Novices may have to look up a few terms, but most will have their preferences set in a couple of minutes.

Webwasher's premise is simple; click what you want to filter from viewing, saving, or sending. You can install the program as a proxy filter, or use a simple automatic configuration. Our testers found that both methods worked well. The Standard Filter operates on those items most users identify as problems. Pop-ups, misdirected URLs, large images, scripts, and animations are all easily set to not display. Intermediate users will find it easy to tweak each option for a more personal performance. The Privacy Filters are primarily on or off options. Prefixes, Referrer URLS, and Web bugs are removed with simple clicks. The Cookie Filter, though, requires some thought to properly set its options.

You can use Access Control wildcards to automatically redirect all or select URLs to a preset site, an option our testers felt would be useful to parents. All settings are protected from change by a simple password. Anyone wanting to fine-tune Web surfing to eliminate pesky pop-ups or filter inappropriate sites for other users will find Webwasher easy to operate and effective.


Download Java Jeni 4 Jeni 5 Jeni 6

Java Education Network Indonesia is a genius or a program of education applied as a Java-based programming language that declared by the Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia as a series of programs from the National Education Network (JARDIKNAS).

Jeni is an integrated service for students in Indonesia, to learn, share and develop solutions based on JAVA. Jeni Jedi implement the project as the basis of the curriculum with the additional development of the various technology trends JAVA.Salah one of the goals of the center is the type of benefits (center of excellence) education and development of applied science, technology, at the national level and international-based commitment to moral and ethical and supported by the development of sustainable resources.

Logo is a type of bird gelatik (the java Finch), which is maskot official Java User Group (jug) in the world (http://thejavafinch.dev.java.net). Gelatik Bird is one of the birds that come from the island are happy to fly in groups and like hot weather. The characteristics of this is considered to be able to describe the spirit of the Java community groups who work to spread something without keberpihakan.

Please download tutorialnya jeni4, 5 and 6 in Here

Download Java Jeni 1 Jeni 2 Jeni 3

Java Education Network Indonesia is a genius or a program of education applied as a Java-based programming language that declared by the Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia as a series of programs from the National Education Network (JARDIKNAS).

Jeni is an integrated service for students in Indonesia, to learn, share and develop solutions based on JAVA. Jeni Jedi implement the project as the basis of the curriculum with the additional development of the various technology trends JAVA.Salah one of the goals of the center is the type of benefits (center of excellence) education and development of applied science, technology, at the national level and international-based commitment to moral and ethical and supported by the development of sustainable resources.

Logo is a type of bird gelatik (the java Finch), which is maskot official Java User Group (jug) in the world (http://thejavafinch.dev.java.net). Gelatik Bird is one of the birds that come from the island are happy to fly in groups and like hot weather. The characteristics of this is considered to be able to describe the spirit of the Java community groups who work to spread something without keberpihakan.

Please download tutorialnya jeni1, 2 and 3 in Here

Download TuneUp Utillities 2009


TuneUp Software:

You can easily solve PC problems and at the same prevent others while effectively increasing the system's performance with TuneUp Utilities. Your PC intelligently adapts to your individual needs. The new TuneUp Start page, the new TuneUp Speed Optimizer, and the improved 1-Click Maintenance make the optimization of your Windows system even easier, faster, and more comprehensive.

Version 8.0.2000 may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.

To call TuneUp Utilities 2009 useful would drastically understate the situation. The app provides users with a powerful, well-designed utility that accesses the entire Windows maintenance tool set and more in a fast, organized, and easy-to-use series of connected modules.

Temp file management, registry cleaners and start-up program controls are the bread-and-butter of these utilities, and these basics work in TuneUp more quickly and easily than most. However, the app also sports great add-on tools you don't usually see in a utility program. It offers a variety of Internet and program-acceleration tweaks as well as Windows performance enhancers. The crash-preventing MemOptimizer, a file shredder, deleted file recovery, and a respectable uninstall utility round out the suite. You even can automate maintenance tasks with the scheduler or tweak Windows' appearance with the styler tool. The built-in RescueCenter can restore all changes completely or one by one.

The system-analyzing wizard, with its thorough reporting and upgrade suggestions, is worth the program price alone. Between the guts of steel and the stylish, logically arranged interface, TuneUp Utilities suits all users--from complete beginners who will appreciate the one-click optimization to more daring users who will experiment with all the settings.

Download HERE

23 April 2009

Download MACAddressChanger

MAC Address Changer Screenshot

MAC Address Changer

WareSeeker periodically updates pricing and software information of MAC Address Changer full version from the publisher, so some information may be slightly out-of-date. You should confirm all information before relying on it. Software piracy is theft, Using crack, password, serial numbers, registration codes, key generators is illegal and prevent future development of MAC Address Changer Edition. Download links are directly from our mirror sites or publisher sites, torrent files or links from rapidshare.com, yousendit.com or megaupload.com are not allowed

Downloadnya Download MACAddressChanger Free Click HERE

Download IP scan

What is Advanced IP Scanner?

Advanced IP Scanner is a fast, robust and easy-to-use IP scanner for Windows. It easily lets you have various types of information about local network computers in a few seconds! Advanced IP Scanner gives you one-click access to many useful functions - remote shutdown and wake up, Radmin integration and more! Powered with multithread scan technology, this program can scan hundreds computers per second, allowing you to scan 'C' or even 'B' class network even from your modem connection.

Advanced IP Scanner 1.5 - Main Windown


Download sofwer buat windows asli

Membuat Windows Bajakan Anda Menjadi Asli dimata Microsoft

genuineBagi para pengguna windows XP Pro bajakan dan ga bs make update2an baru dari pihak microsoft, ga’ usa berkecil hati. Kami punya solusi buat ngerubah windows bajakan anda jadi windows asli (Genuine) di mata microsoft. so anda bs update windows anda sepuasna dari microsoft tanpa takut windows anda di matiin ma pihak microsoft :D Aman kalo di sweeping juga loh. :D

—- read —-

Sebelum Kujelasin tutorialnya, donlot dulu file pendukungna disini#

Pastikan anda menggunakan account administrator sebelum mulai menilep Windows bajakan anda!!


Jalanin keyFinder.exe(Beberapa antivirus mungkinakan mendetekna sebagai spyWare). Akan terlihat seperti gambar berikut :


Gambar 1

Trus pilih change windows key.

Gambar 2


Ganti deh keyna. Pke windows xp key.txt yg uda dibundel dalam paket. Trus lik OK. Akan ada pemberitahuan bila berhasil

Gambar 3

STEP IV –> Finish

cek keaslian windows anda sekarang. Buka folder “Tool dari Microsoft Buat Cek Windows asli ato palsu”, jalanin “Microsoft Genuine Advantage Diagnostic Tool.exe”. Tunggu bentar. kalo berhasil akan terlihat seperti gambar 4:

Gambar 4

Validation Status windows anda sekarang “Genuine” Kalo gagal (Status Invalid/BLK) Coba Lagi.

Jadi Asli Dehhhhhhh.......

Download Notepad++ 4.7.5

Notepad++ is a free (as in "free speech" and also as in "free beer") source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages. Running in the MS Windows environment, its use is governed by GPL License.

Based on a powerful editing component Scintilla, Notepad++ is written in C++ and uses pure Win32 API and STL which ensures a higher execution speed and smaller program size. By optimizing as many routines as possible without losing user friendliness, Notepad++ is trying to reduce the world carbon dioxide emissions. When using less CPU power, the PC can throttle down and reduce power consumption, resulting in a greener environment.

This project is mature. However, there may be still some bugs and missing features that are being worked on. If you have any questions or suggestions about this project, please post them in the forums. Also, if you wish to make a feature request, you can post it there as well. But there's no guarantee that I'll implement your request.

You're encouraged to translate Notepad++ into your native tongue if there's not already a translation present in the Download Section. And if you want, help translating Notepad++ official site into your native tongue would be greatly appreciated.

I hope you enjoy Notepad++ as much as I enjoy coding it.

Notepad++, Pengganti Notepad

notapad++Saya sudah mencoba berbagai macam text editor, baik yang berupa freeware maupun commercial. Dari sekian banyak pilihan, hanya beberapa yang cocok untuk keperluan saya. Salah satunya adalah Notepad++. Software ini memiliki banyak fasilitas yang sangat membantu untuk mengedit teks, script, source code, ataupun hanya sekedar untuk melihat file txt. Ukurannya cukup kecil namun memiliki fasilitas sangat lengkap sebagai text editor

Inilah Fasilitas-fasilitas di Notepad++ yang saya sukai:

  • Membuka programnya cukup cepat, hampir secepat Notepad. Jadi tidak perlu menunggu 10 detik hanya untuk mengedit 1 file script

  • Tampilannya sederhana. Interface Notepad++ terdiri dari menu standar di bagian atas (File, Edit, Search, View …) ditambah 1 baris icon dan 1 baris lagi untuk tab, dan area untuk editornya sangat luas

  • Fasilitas Find/Replace yang baik. Fasilitas Find nya bisa mencari teks di semua file yang sedang dibuka, ataupun semua file di Directory tertentu. Juga terdapat fasilitas Incremental Search (mirip dengan fasilitas Find di browser Firefox di mana teks yang dicari langsung di-highlight begitu teks dituliskan tanpa perlu menekan enter)

    incremental search

  • Syntax Highlighting yang mendukung banyak bahasa pemrograman, dan otomatis mendeteksi bahasa pemrograman ketika membuka suatu file. Dengan fasilitas ini sebuah script bisa tampak berwarna-warni sehingga tidak pusing melihatnya, dan mudah membedakan antara elemen satu dengan elemen yang lainnya. Warna-warna syntax-nya bisa diatur di menu Styler Configurator, dan akan disimpan ke dalam file stylers.xml

    stylers configurator

  • Bracket Matching, yaitu bisa menemukan pasangan tanda kurung ketika kursor sedang berada di sebuah tanda kurung (baik kurung buka maupun kurung tutup)

    bracket matching

  • Code Folding. Ini adalah fasilitas yang sudah ada di kebanyakan text editor di Linux, namun di editor berbasis Windows fasilitas ini jarang ditemukan. Code Folding adalah fasilitas yang bisa menyembunyikan kode-kode yang berada di dalam suatu blok kode, seperti di dalam tanda { } pada function/class/if dan pada tag html sehingga kode bisa diringkas menjadi 1 baris dengan tanda [+] di sebelah kirinya

    code folding

  • Terintegrasi dengan baik di Windows. Setelah Notepad++ diinstall, ada pilihan untuk mengintegrasikan di menu konteks (jika menekan klik kanan pada file, ada pilihan Open in Notepad++). Juga ada pilihan untuk menjadikan Notepad++ sebagai default HTML Editor (untuk melihat source/View Source di Internet Explorer)

  • Fasilitas AutoComplete nya sudah mendukung PHP. Dengan menekan Ctrl+Space maka akan muncul fungsi-fungsi PHP.

    auto complete

  • Column Mode, yaitu bisa memilih teks dalam mode kolom, dengan cara menahan tombol Alt ketika menyeleksi teks.

    column mode

  • Shortcut Mapper, yaitu kita bisa mengatur tombol Shortcut sesuai dengan keinginan kita.

    shortcut mapper

  • Trim Trailing Space. Fasilitas ini digunakan untuk menghilangkan spasi yang tidak berguna yang berada di belakang teks.

  • File Status Auto-detection. Jika suatu file yang sedang dibuka di Notepad++ dimodifikasi dengan program lain, maka akan ada pilihan untuk mereload file tersebut (atau bisa juga secara otomatis di-reload tanpa ada peringatan).


  • Bisa mengubah ukuran font dengan cepat menggunakan Ctrl + scroll.

  • Terdapat fasilitas plugin. Di instalasi standarnya sudah terdapat plugin yang berisi sangat banyak fasilitas untuk memanipulasi teks (malah belum sempat mencoba semuanya). Di website Notepad++ juga terdapat beberapa plugin tambahan yang bisa didownload gratis.

    Silahkan Download Di sini